Additional information on Field-Tuneable Diamagnetism in Ferromagnetic-Superconducting Core-Shell StructuresAndre Muller, Sara E. C. Dale, Miles A. Engbarth, Simon J. Bending, Laurence M. Peter, Andreas Knittel, and Hans Fangohr Field-Tuneable Diamagnetism in Ferromagnetic-Superconducting Core-Shell Structures, Advanced Functional Materials 21, (10) 1874-1880 (2011) Online: journal pdf, local preprint pdf Summary
ContextThe study of core-shell structures with a superconducting core and a ferromagnetic shell is a promising research direction towards the development of structures with novel magnetic properties. Work on triangular-platelet shaped Pb cores, which are covered by a thin nickel shell, is summarised on this webpage. In an external field the magnetic properties of such structures may vary between paramagnetic (follows an external magnetic field) and diamagnetic (opposes an external magnetic field). Such a switching of magnetic properties may be important with respect to applications such as magnetic guiding devices. More information can be found in [1] (see also webreference). References