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Articles and Letters
- Samuel J. R. Holt, Andrea Petrocchi, Martin Lang, Swapneel A. Pathak, Hans Fangohr
Discretization anisotropy in micromagnetic simulations

- Tobias Lojewski, Loïc Le Guyader, Naman Agarwal, Christine Boeglin, Robert Carley, Andrea Castoldi, Carsten Deiter, Robin Y. Engel, Florian Erdinger, Hans Fangohr, Carlo Fiorini, Natalia Gerasimova, Rafael Gort, Frank de Groot, Karsten Hansen, Steffen Hauf, David Hickin, Manuel Izquierdo, Lea Kämmerer, Benjamin E. Van Kuiken, David Lomidze, Stefano Maffessanti, Laurent Mercadier, Giuseppe Mercurio, Piter S. Miedema, Matthias Pace, Matteo Porro, Javad Rezvani, Nico Rothenbach, Benedikt Rösner, Andrey Samartsev, Justina Schlappa, Christian Stamm, Martin Teichmann, Monica Turcato, Alexander Yaroslavtsev, Florian Döring, Andreas Scherz, Christian David, Martin Beye, Uwe Bovensiepen, Heiko Wende, Andrea Eschenlohr, Katharina Ollefs
Analysis of long-lived effects in high-repetition-rate stroboscopic transient X-ray absorption experiments on thin films

- Martin Lonsky, Martin Lang, Samuel Holt, Swapneel Amit Pathak, Robin Klause, Tzu-Hsiang Lo, Marijan Beg, Axel Hoffmann, and Hans Fangohr
Numerical simulation projects in micromagnetics with Jupyter
American Journal of Physics 92, 794-800 (2024)

- Shen, Zhou and Xavier, Paul Lourdu and Bean, Richard and Bielecki, Johan and Bergemann, Martin and Daurer, Benedikt J. and Ekeberg, Tomas and Estillore, Armando D. and Fangohr, Hans and Giewekemeyer, Klaus and Karnevskiy, Mikhail and Kirian, Richard A. and Kirkwood, Henry and Kim, Yoonhee and Koliyadu, Jayanath C. P. and Lange, Holger and Letrun, Romain and L"{u}bke, Jannik and Mall, Abhishek and Michelat, Thomas and Morgan, Andrew J. and Roth, Nils and Samanta, Amit K. and Sato, Tokushi and Sikorski, Marcin and Schulz, Florian and Vagovic, Patrik and Wollweber, Tamme and Worbs, Lena and Maia, Filipe and Horke, Daniel Alfred and K"{u}pper, Jochen and Mancuso, Adrian P. and Chapman, Henry N. and Ayyer, Kartik and Loh, N. Duane
Resolving Nonequilibrium Shape Variations among Millions of Gold Nanoparticles
ACS Nano 18, 15576–15589 (2024)

- Weiwei Wang, Boyao Lyu, Lingyao Kong, Hans Fangohr, Haifeng Du
MicroMagnetic.jl: A Julia package for micromagnetic and atomistic simulations with GPU support
arXiv, (2024)

- Thomas Brian Winkler, Marijan Beg, Martin Lang, Mathias Kläui, Hans Fangohr
Energetics and Dynamics of a stable Bloch point
https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.10091, (2024)

- Sobolev, Egor and Schmidt, Philipp and Malka, Janusz and Hammer, David and Boukhelef, Djelloul and Möller, Johannes and Ahmed, Karim and Bean, Richard and Bermúdez Macías, Ivette Jazmín and Bielecki, Johan and Bösenberg, Ulrike and Carinan, Cammille and Dall’Antonia, Fabio and Esenov, Sergey and Fangohr, Hans and Ferreira de Lima, Danilo Enoque and Ferreira Maia, Luís Gonccalo and Firoozi, Hadi and Flucke, Gero and Gessler, Patrick and Giovanetti, Gabriele and Koliyadu, Jayanath and Madsen, Anders and Michelat, Thomas and Schuh, Michael and Sikorski, Marcin and Silenzi, Alessandro and Sztuk-Dambietz, Jolanta and Turcato, Monica and Turkot, Oleksii and Wrigley, James and Aplin, Steve and Hauf, Steffen and Wrona, Krzysztof and Gelisio, Luca
Data reduction activities at European XFEL: early results
Frontiers in Physics 12, February (2024)

- Labrie-Boulay, Isaac and Winkler, Thomas Brian and Franzen, Daniel and Romanova, Alena and Fangohr, Hans and Kläui, Mathias
Machine-learning-based detection of spin structures
Phys. Rev. Appl 21, 014014 (2024)

- Swapneel Amit Pathak, Kurt Rahir, Sam Holt, Martin Lang, Hans Fangohr
Machine learning based classification of vector field configurations
AIP Advances 14, 025004 (2024)

- Hans Fangohr, Martin Lang, Samuel J. R. Holt, Swapneel Amit Pathak, Kauser Zulfiqar, Marijan Beg
Vision for unified micromagnetic modeling (UMM) with Ubermag
AIP Advances 14, 015138 (2024)

- Thomas Brian Winkler, Jan Rothörl, Maarten A. Brems, Grischa Beneke, Hans Fangohr, Mathias Kläui
Coarse-graining collective skyrmion dynamics in confined geometries
Applied Physics Letters 124, 022403 (2024)

- Oleksii Turkot, Fabio Dall’Antonia, Richard J. Bean, Juncheng E, Hans Fangohr, Danilo E. Ferreira de Lima, Sravya Kantamneni, Henry J. Kirkwood, Faisal H. M. Koua, Adrian P. Mancuso, and et al.
EXtra-Xwiz: A Tool to Streamline Serial Femtosecond Crystallography Workflows at European XFEL
Crystals 13, 11: 1533 (2023)

- Kilian Leutner, Thomas Brian Winkler, Johannes Güttinger, Hans Fangohr and Mathias Kläui
Skyrmion automotion in confined counter-sensor device geometries
Physical Review Applied 20, 064021 (2023)

- Martin Lang, Swapneel Amit Pathak, Samuel J. R. Holt, Marijan Beg and Hans Fangohr
Controlling stable Bloch points with electric currents
Scientific Reports 13, 18934 (2023)

- Turkot, Oleksii and Dall'Antonia, Fabio and Bean, Richard J. and E, Juncheng and Fangohr, Hans and Ferreira de Lima, Danilo E. and Kantamneni, Sravya and Kirkwood, Henry J. and Koua, Faisal H. M. and Mancuso, Adrian P. and Melo, Diogo V. M. and Round, Adam and Schuh, Michael and Sobolev, Egor and de Wijn, Raphaël and Wrigley, James J. and Gelisio, Luca
EXtra-Xwiz: A Tool to Streamline Serial Femtosecond Crystallography Workflows at European XFEL
Crystals 13, 1533 (2023)

- Song, Sang Yong and Hua, Chengyun and Bell, Luke and Ko, Wonhee and Fangohr, Hans and Yan, Jiaqiang and Halász, Gábor B. and Dumitrescu, Eugene F. and Lawrie, Benjamin J. and Maksymovych, Petro
Nematically Templated Vortex Lattices in Superconducting FeSe
Nano Letters 23 (7), 2822-2830 (2023)

- Tobias Lojewski, Mohamed F. Elhanoty, Loïc Le Guyader, Oscar Grånäs, Naman Agarwal, Christine Boeglin, Robert Carley, Andrea Castoldi, Christian David, Carsten Deiter, Florian Döring, Robin Y. Engel, Florian Erdinger, Hans Fangohr, Carlo Fiorini, Peter Fischer, Natalia Gerasimova, Rafael Gort, Frank de Groot, Karsten Hansen, Steffen Hauf, David Hickin, Manuel Izquierdo, Benjamin E. Van Kuiken, Yaroslav Kvashnin, Charles-Henri Lambert, David Lomidze, Stefano Maffessanti, Laurent Mercadier, Giuseppe Mercurio, Piter S. Miedema, Katharina Ollefs, Matthias Pace, Matteo Porro, Javad Rezvani, Benedikt Rösner, Nico Rothenbach, Andrey Samartsev, Andreas Scherz, Justina Schlappa, Christian Stamm, Martin Teichmann, Patrik Thunstrom, Monica Turcato, Alexander Yaroslavtsev, Jun Zhu, Martin Beye, Heiko Wende, Uwe Bovensiepen, Olle Eriksson and Andrea Eschenlohr
The interplay of local electron correlations and ultrafast spin dynamics in fcc Ni
Material Research Letters 11 (8), 655-661 (2023)

- Loïc Le Guyader, Andrea Eschenlohr, Martin Beye, William Schlotter, Florian Döring, Cammille Carinan, David Hickin, Naman Agarwal, Christine Boeglin, Uwe Bovensiepen, Jens Buck, Robert Carley, Andrea Castoldi, Alessandro D'Elia, Jan-Torben Delitz, Wajid Ehsan, Robin Engel, Florian Erdinger, Hans Fangohr, Peter Fischer, Carlo Fiorini, Alexander Föhlisch, Luca Gelisio, Michael Gensch, Natalia Gerasimova, Rafael Gort, Karsten Hansen, Steffen Hauf, Manuel Izquierdo, Emmanuelle Jal, Ebad Kamil, Suren Karabekyan, Thomas Kluyver, Tim Laarmann, Tobias Lojewski, David Lomidze, Stefano Maffessanti, Talgat Mamyrbayev, Augusto Marcelli, Laurent Mercadier, Giuseppe Mercurio, Piter S. Miedema, Katharina Ollefs, Kai Rossnagel, Benedikt Rösner, Nico Rothenbach, Andrey Samartsev, Justine Schlappa, Kiana Setoodehnia, Gheorghe Sorin Chiuzbaian, Lea Spieker, Christian Stamm, Francesco Stellato, Simone Techert, Martin Teichmann, Monica Turcato, Benjamin Van Kuiken, Heiko Wende, Alexander Yaroslavtsev, Jun Zhu, Serguei Molodtsov, Christian David, Matteo Porro and Andreas Scherz
Photon shot-noise limited transient absorption soft X-ray spectroscopy at the European XFEL
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 30, (2023)

- Martin Lang, Marijan Beg, Ondrej Hovorka, and Hans Fangohr
Bloch points in nanostrips
Scientific Reports 13, 6910 (2023)

- Nanna Zhou Hagstrom, Michael Schneider, Nico Kerber, Alexander Yaroslavtsev, Erick Burgos Parra, Marijan Beg, Martin Lang, Christian M. Gunther, Boris Seng, Fabian Kammerbauer, Horia Popescu, Matteo Pancaldi, Kumar Neeraj, Debanjan Polley, Rahul Jangid, Stjepan B. Hrkac, Sheena K. K. Patel, Sergei Ovcharenko, Diego Turenne, Dmitriy Ksenzov, Christine Boeglin, Marina Baidakova, Clemens von Korff Schmising, Martin Borchert, Boris Vodungbo, Kai Chen, Chen Luo, Florin Radu, Leonard Muller, Miriam Martinez Florez, Andre} Philippi-Kobs, Matthias Riepp, Wojciech Roseker, Gerhard Grubel, Robert Carley, Justine Schlappa, Benjamin E. Van Kuiken, Rafael Gort, Laurent Mercadier, Naman Agarwal, Loïc Le Guyader, Giuseppe Mercurio, Martin Teichmann, Jan Torben Delitz, Alexander Reich, Carsten Broers, David Hickin, Carsten Deiter, James Moore, Dimitrios Rompotis, Jinxiong Wang, Daniel Kane, Sandhya Venkatesan, Joachim Meier, Florent Pallas, Tomasz Jezynski, Maximilian Lederer, Djelloul Boukhelef, Janusz Szuba, Krzysztof Wrona, Steffen Hauf, Jun Zhu, Martin Bergemann, Ebad Kamil, Thomas Kluyver, Robert Rosca, Michal Spirzewski, Markus Kuster, Monica Turcato, David Lomidze, Andrey Samartsev, Jan Engelke, Matteo Porro, Stefano Maffessanti, Karsten Hansen, Florian Erdinger, Peter Fischer, Carlo Fiorini, Andrea Castoldi, Massimo Manghisoni, Cornelia Beatrix Wunderer, Eric E. Fullerton, Oleg G. Shpyrko, Christian Gutt, Cecilia Sanchez-Hanke, Hermann A. Durr, Ezio Iacocca, Hans T. Nembach, Mark W. Keller, Justin M. Shaw, Thomas J. Silva, Roopali Kukreja, Hans Fangohr, Stefan Eisebitt, Mathias Klaui, Nicolas Jaouen, Andreas Scherz, Stefano Bonetti and Emmanuelle Jal
Megahertz-rate ultrafast X-ray scattering and holographic imaging at the European XFEL
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 29, 6 (2022)

- Alison C. Twitchett-Harrison, James C. Loudon, Ryan A. Pepper, Max T. Birch, Hans Fangohr, Paul A. Midgley, Geetha Balakrishnan and Peter D. Hatton
Confinement of Skyrmions in Nanoscale FeGe Device-like Structures
ACS Applied Electronic Materials 4, 4427-4437 (2022)

- Holmes, Susannah and Kirkwood, Henry J. and Bean, Richard and Giewekemeyer, Klaus and Martin, Andrew V. and Hadian-Jazi, Marjan and Wiedorn, Max O. and Oberthür, Dominik and Marman, Hugh and Adriano, Luigi and Al-Qudami, Nasser and Bajt, Saša and Barák, Imrich and Bari, Sadia and Bielecki, Johan and Brockhauser, Sandor and Coleman, Mathew A. and Cruz-Mazo, Francisco and Danilevski, Cyril and Dörner, Katerina and Gañán-Calvo, Alfonso M. and Graceffa, Rita and Fangohr, Hans and Heymann, Michael and Frank, Matthias and Kaukher, Alexander and Kim, Yoonhee and Kobe, Bostjan and Knoška, Juraj and Laurus, Torsten and Letrun, Romain and Maia, Luis and Messerschmidt, Marc and Metz, Markus and Michelat, Thomas and Mills, Grant and Molodtsov, Serguei and Monteiro, Diana C. F. and Morgan, Andrew J. and Münnich, Astrid and Peña Murillo, Gisel E. and Previtali, Gianpietro and Round, Adam and Sato, Tokushi and Schubert, Robin and Schulz, Joachim and Shelby, Megan and Seuring, Carolin and Sellberg, Jonas A. and Sikorski, Marcin and Silenzi, Alessandro and Stern, Stephan and Sztuk-Dambietz, Jola and Szuba, Janusz and Trebbin, Martin and Vagovic, Patrick and Ve, Thomas and Weinhausen, Britta and Wrona, Krzysztof and Xavier, Paul Lourdu and Xu, Chen and Yefanov, Oleksandr and Nugent, Keith A. and Chapman, Henry N. and Mancuso, Adrian P. and Barty, Anton and Abbey, Brian and Darmanin, Connie
Megahertz pulse trains enable multi-hit serial femtosecond crystallography experiments at X-ray free electron lasers
Nature Communications 13, 4708 (2022)

- Zhuang, Yulong and Awel, Salah and Barty, Anton and Bean, Richard and Bielecki, Johan and Bergemann, Martin and Daurer, Benedikt J. and Ekeberg, Tomas and Estillore, Armando D. and Fangohr, Hans and Giewekemeyer, Klaus and Hunter, Mark S. and Karnevskiy, Mikhail and Kirian, Richard A. and Kirkwood, Henry and Kim, Yoonhee and Koliyadu, Jayanath and Lange, Holger and Letrun, Romain and Lübke, Jannik and Mall, Abhishek and Michelat, Thomas and Morgan, Andrew J. and Roth, Nils and Samanta, Amit K. and Sato, Tokushi and Shen, Zhou and Sikorski, Marcin and Schulz, Florian and Spence, John C. H. and Vagovic, Patrik and Wollweber, Tamme and Worbs, Lena and Xavier, P. Lourdu and Yefanov, Oleksandr and Maia, Filipe R. N. C. and Horke, Daniel A. and Küpper, Jochen and Loh, N. Duane and Mancuso, Adrian P. and Chapman, Henry N. and Ayyer, Kartik
Unsupervised learning approaches to characterizing heterogeneous samples using X-ray single-particle imaging
IUCrJ 9, 204-214 (2022)

- Marijan Beg, Martin Lang, Hans Fangohr
Ubermag: Towards more effective micromagnetic workflows
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 58, 7300205 (2021)

- Thomas Brian Winkler, Kai Litzius, Andrea de Lucia, Markus Weißenhofer, Hans Fangohr, Mathias Kläui
Skyrmion States in Disk Geometry
Physical Review Applied 16, 044014 (2021)

- Marijan Beg, Juliette Belin, Thomas Kluyver, Alexander Konovalov, Min Ragan-Kelley, Nicolas Thiery, Hans Fangohr
Using Jupyter for reproducible scientific workflows
Computing in Science & Engineering 23, 36-46 (2021)

- Kartik Ayyer, P Lourdu Xavier, Johan Bielecki, Zhou Shen, Benedikt J Daurer, Amit K Samanta, Salah Awel, Richard Bean, Anton Barty, Martin Bergemann, Tomas Ekeberg, Armando D Estillore, Hans Fangohr, Klaus Giewekemeyer, Mark S Hunter, Mikhail Karnevskiy, Richard A Kirian, Henry Kirkwood, Yoonhee Kim, Jayanath Koliyadu, Holger Lange, Romain Letrun, Jannik Lübke, Thomas Michelat, Andrew J Morgan, Nils Roth, Tokushi Sato, Marcin Sikorski, Florian Schulz, John CH Spence, Patrik Vagovic, Tamme Wollweber, Lena Worbs, Oleksandr Yefanov, Yulong Zhuang, Filipe RNC Maia, Daniel A Horke, Jochen Küpper, N Duane Loh, Adrian P Mancuso, Henry N Chapman
3D diffractive imaging of nanoparticle ensembles using an x-ray laser
Optica 8, 15-23 (2021)

- Hans Fangohr, Massimo Di Pierro, Thomas Kluyver
Guest Editors' Introduction to CiSE Special Issue on "Jupyter in Computational Science"
Computing in Science & Engineering 23, 5-6 (2021)

- H. Fangohr, M. Beg, M. Bergemann, V. Bondar, S. Brockhauser, C. Carinan, R. Costa, F. Dall'Antonia, C. Danilevski, J. C. E, W. Ehsan, S. G. Esenov, R. Fabbri, S. Fangohr, G. Flucke, C. Fortmann, D. Fulla Marsa, G. Giovanetti, D. Goeries, S. Hauf, D. G. Hickin, T. Jarosiewicz, E. Kamil, M. Karnevskiy, Y. Kirienko, A. Klimovskaia, T. A. Kluyver, M. Kuster, L. Le Guyader, A. Madsen, L. G. Maia, D. Mamchyk, L. Mercadier, T. Michelat, J. Möller, I. Mohacsi, A. Parenti, M. Reiser, R. Rosca, D. B. Rueck, T. Rüter, H. Santos, R. Schaffer, A. Scherz, M. Scholz, A. Silenzi, M. Spirzewski, J. Sztuk, J. Szuba, S. Trojanowski, K. Wrona, A. A. Yaroslavtsev, J. Zhu, J. Reppin, F. Schlünzen, M. Schuh, E. Fernandez-del-Castillo, G. Sipos, T. H. Rod, J. R. Selknaes, J. W. Taylor, A. Campbell, A. Götz, J. Kieffer, J. Hall, E. Pellegrini, J. F. Perrin.
Data exploration and analysis with Jupyter notebooks
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems ICALEPCS2019, TUCPR02 (2020)

- Hans Fangohr, Neil O'Brien, Ondrej Hovorka, Thomas Kluyver, Nick Hale, Anil Prabhakar, and Arti Kashyap
Automatic Feedback Provision in Teaching Computational Science
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12143, 608-621 (2020)

- Alexander Gorel, Marie Luise Grünbein, Richard Bean, Johan Bielecki, Mario Hilpert, Michele Cascella, Jacques-Philippe Colletier, Hans Fangohr, Lutz Foucar, Elisabeth Hartmann, Mark S. Hunter, Henry Kirkwood, Marco Kloos, Romain Letrun, Thomas Michelat, Robert L. Shoeman, Jolanta Sztuk-Dambietz, Guillaume Tetreau, Herbert Zimmermann, Adrian P. Mancuso, Thomas R.M. Barends, R. Bruce Doak, Claudiu Andrei Stan, and Ilme Schlichting
Shock Damage Analysis in Serial Femtosecond Crystallography Data Collected at MHz X-ray Free-Electron Lasers
Crystals 10, 1145 (2020)

- Ryan Alexander Pepper, Hans Fangohr
Automatic Code Generation of Operators for Cartesian Fast Multipole and Barnes-Hut Methods (fmmgen)
https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.12351, (2020)

- Timothy Moorsom, Shoug Alghamdi, Sean Stansill, Gilberto Teobaldi, Marijan Beg, Hans Fangohr, Matt Rogers, Zabeada Aslam, Mannan Ali, Bryan J Hickey, Oscar Cespedes
Pi-anisotropy: A nanocarbon route to hard magnetism
Phys Rev B 101, 060408 (2020)

- A. Götz, J. Bodera Sempere, A. Campbell, A. De Maria Antolinos, R.D. Dimper, J. Kieffer, V.A. Solé, T. Vincet, M. Bertelsen, T. Holm Rod, T.S. Richter, J.W. Taylor, N. Carboni, S. Caunt, J. Hall, J.F. Perrin, J.C. E, H. Fangohr, C. Fortmann-Grote, T.A. Kluyver, R. Rosca, F.M. Gliksohn, R. Pugliese, L. Schrettner
Enabling Open Science for Photon and Neutron Sources
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems ICALEPCS2019, TUBPL02 (2020)

- G. Flucke, N. Al-Qudami, M. Beg, M. Bergemann, V. Bondar, D. Boukhelef, S. Brockhauser, C. Carinan, R. Costa, F. Dall'Antonia, C. Danilevski, W. Ehsan, S.G. Esenov, R. Fabbri, H. Fangohr, D. Fulla Marsa, G. Giovanetti, D. Goeries, S. Hauf, D.G. Hickin, E. Kamil, Y. Kirienko, A. Klimovskaia, T.A. Kluyver, D. Mamchyk, T. Michelat, I. Mohacsi, A. Muennich, A. Parenti, R. Rosca, D.B. Rück, H. Santos, R. Schaffer, A. Silenzi, K. Wrona, C. Youngman, J. Zhu
Status of the Karabo control and data processing framework
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems ICALEPCS2019, WECPR03 (2020)

- V. Bondar, M. Beg, M. Bergemann, S. Brockhauser, C. Carinan, R. Costa, F. Dall'Antonia, C. Danilevski, W. Ehsan, S.G. Esenov, R. Fabbri, H. Fangohr, G. Flucke, D. Fulla Marsa, A. Galler, G. Giovanetti, D. Goeries, J. Grünert, S. Hauf, D.G. Hickin, T. Jarosiewicz, E. Kamil, Y. Kirienko, A. Klimovskaia, T.A. Kluyver, D. Mamchyk, T. Michelat, I. Mohacsi, A. Parenti, D.B. Rück, H. Santos, R. Schaffer, A. Silenzi, C. Youngman, P. Zalden, J. Zhu
Beam position feedback system supported by Karabo at European XFEL
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems ICALEPCS2019, MOPHA040 (2020)

- H. Santos, M. Beg, M. Bergemann, V. Bondar, S. Brockhauser, C. Carinan, R. Costa, F. Dall'Antonia, C. Danilevski, W. Ehsan, S.G. Esenov, R. Fabbri, H. Fangohr, G. Flucke, D. Fulla Marsa, G. Giovanetti, D. Goeries, S. Hauf, D.G. Hickin, T. Jarosiewicz, E. Kamil, Y. Kirienko, A. Klimovskaia, T.A. Kluyver, D. Mamchyk, T. Michelat, I. Mohacsi, A. Parenti, R. Rosca, D.B. Rück, R. Schaffer, A. Silenzi, M. Spirzewski, S. Trojanowski, C. Youngman, J. Zhu
Control and Analysis Software Development at the European XFEL
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems ICALEPCS2019, MOMPR004 (2020)

- A Goetz, JF Perrin; H Fangohr; D Salvat, F Gliksohn, A Markvardsen, A McBirnie, A Gonzalez-Beltran, J Taylor
PaNOSC FAIR research data policy framework
https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3862701, (2020)

- Hans Fangohr, Vidar Fauske, Thomas Kluyver, Maximilian Albert, Oliver Laslett, David Cortes-Ortuno, Marijan Beg, Min Ragan-Kelly
Testing with Jupyter notebooks: NoteBook VALidation (nbval) plug-in for pytest
https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.04808, (2020)

- M. T. Birch, D. Cortes-Ortuno, L. A. Turnbull, M. N. Wilson, F. Gross, N. Traege, A. Laurenson, N. Bukin, S. H. Moody, M. Weigand, G. Schuetz, H. Popescu, R. Fan, P. Steadman, J. A. T. Verezhak, G. Balakrishnan, J. C. Loudon, A. C. Twitchett-Harrison, O. Hovorka, H. Fangohr, F. Ogrin, J. Graefe and Peter Hatton
Real-space imaging of confined magnetic skyrmion tubes
Nature Communications 11, 1726 (2020)

- Oleksandr Yefanov, Dominik Oberthür, Richard Bean, Max O. Wiedorn, Juraj Knoska, Gisel Pena, Salah Awel, Lars Gumprecht, Martin Domaracky, Iosifina Sarrou, P. Lourdu Xavier, Markus Metz, Saša Bajt, Valerio Mariani, Yaroslav Gevorkov, Thomas A. White, Aleksandra Tolstikova, Pablo Villanueva-Perez, Carolin Seuring, Steve Aplin, Armando D. Estillore, Jochen Küpper, Alexander Klyuev, Manuela Kuhn, Torsten Laurus, Heinz Graafsma, Diana C. F. Monteiro, Martin Trebbin, Filipe R. N. C. Maia, Francisco Cruz-Mazo, Alfonso M. Gañán-Calvo, Michael Heymann, Connie Darmanin, Brian Abbey, Marius Schmidt, Petra Fromme, Klaus Giewekemeyer, Marcin Sikorski, Rita Graceffa, Patrik Vagovic, Thomas Kluyver, Martin Bergemann, Hans Fangohr, Jolanta Sztuk-Dambietz, Steffen Hauf, Natascha Raab, Valerii Bondar, Adrian P. Mancuso, Henry Chapman, and Anton Barty
Evaluation of serial crystallographic structure determination within megahertz pulse trains
Structural Dynamics 6, 064702 (2019)

- Chris Gisriel, Jesse Coe, Romain Letrun, Oleksandr M. Yefanov, Cesar Luna-Chavez, Natasha E. Stander, Stella Lisova, Valerio Mariani, Manuela Kuhn, Steve Aplin, Thomas D. Grant, Katerina Dörner, Tokushi Sato, Austin Echelmeier, Jorvani Cruz Villarreal, Mark S. Hunter, Max O. Wiedorn, Juraj Knoska, Victoria Mazalova, Shatabdi Roy-Chowdhury, Jay-How Yang, Alex Jones, Richard Bean, Johan Bielecki, Yoonhee Kim, Grant Mills, Britta Weinhausen, Jose D. Meza, Nasser Al-Qudami, Saša Bajt, Gerrit Brehm, Sabine Botha, Djelloul Boukhelef, Sandor Brockhauser, Barry D. Bruce, Matthew A. Coleman, Cyril Danilevski, Erin Discianno, Zachary Dobson, Hans Fangohr, Jose M. Martin-Garcia, Yaroslav Gevorkov, Steffen Hauf, Ahmad Hosseinizadeh, Friederike Januschek, Gihan K. Ketawala, Christopher Kupitz, Luis Maia, Maurizio Manetti, Marc Messerschmidt, Thomas Michelat, Jyotirmoy Mondal, Abbas Ourmazd, Gianpietro Previtali, Iosifina Sarrou, Silvan Schön, Peter Schwander, Megan L. Shelby, Alessandro Silenzi, Jolanta Sztuk-Dambietz, Janusz Szuba, Monica Turcato, Thomas A. White, Krzysztof Wrona, Chen Xu, Mohamed H. Abdellatif, James D. Zook, John C. H. Spence, Henry N. Chapman, Anton Barty, Richard A. Kirian, Matthias Frank, Alexandra Ros, Marius Schmidt, Raimund Fromme, Adrian P. Mancuso, Petra Fromme, and Nadia A. Zatsepin
Membrane protein megahertz crystallography at the European XFEL
Nature Communications 10, 5021 (2019)

- Marijan Beg, Ryan A. Pepper, David Cortes-Ortuno, Bilal Atie, Marc-Antonio Bisotti, Gary Downing, Thomas Kluyver, Ondrej Hovorka, Hans Fangohr
Stable and manipulable Bloch point
Scientific Reports 8, 7959 (2019)

- Steffen Hauf, Burkhard Heisen, Steve Aplin, Marijan Beg, Martin Bergemann, Valerii Bondar, Djelloul Boukhelef, Cyril Danilevsky, Wajid Ehsan, Sergey Essenov, Riccardo Fabbri, Gero Flucke, Daniel Fulla Marsa, Dennis Go ̈ries, Gabriele Giovanetti, David Hickin, Tobiasz Jarosiewicz, Ebad Kamil, Dmitry Khakhulin, Anna Klimovskaia, Thomas Kluyver, Yury Kirienko, Manuela Kuhn, Luis Maia, Denys Mamchyk, Valerio Mariani, Leonce Mekinda, Thomas Michelat, Astrid Mu ̈nnich, Anna Padee, Andrea Parenti, Hugo Santos, Alessandro Silenzi, Martin Teichmann, Kerstin Weger, John Wiggins, Krzysztof Wrona, Chen Xu, Christopher Youngman, Jun Zhu, Hans Fangohr, Sandor Brockhauser
The Karabo distributed control system
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 26, 1448-1461 (2019)

- David Cortes-Ortuno, Niklas Romming, Marijan Beg, Kirsten von Bergmann, Andre Kubetzka, Ondrej Hovorka, Hans Fangohr, Roland Wiesendanger
Nano-scale magnetic skyrmions and target states in confined geometries
Physical Review B 99, 214408 (2019)

- Oliver Laslett, Jonathon Waters, Hans Fangohr, Ondrej Hovorka
Magpy: A C++ accelerated Python package for simulating magnetic nanoparticle stochastic dynamics
submitted, (2019)

- James C. Loudon, Alison C. Twitchett-Harrison, David Cortes-Ortuno, Max T. Birch, Luke A. Turnbull, Ales Stefancic, Feodor Y. Ogrin, Erick O. Burgos-Parra, Nicholas Bukin, Angus Laurenson, Horia Popescu, Marijan Beg, Ondrej Hovorka, Hans Fangohr, Paul A. Midgley, Geetha Balakrishnan, Peter D. Hatton
Do Images of Biskyrmions Show Type-II Bubbles?
Advanced Materials Mar, 1806598 (2019)

- R. A. Gallardo, D. Cortes-Ortuno, T. Schneider, A. Roldan-Molina, Fusheng Ma, R. E. Troncoso, K. Lenz, H. Fangohr, J. Lindner, P. Landeros
Unconventional Spin-Wave Phenomena Induced by a Periodic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction
Physical Review Letters 122, 067204 (2019)

- David Ignacio Cortes-Ortuno, Marijan Beg, Vanessa Nehruji, Leoni Breth, Ryan Pepper, Thomas Kluyver, Gary Downing, Thorsten Hesjedal, Peter Hatton, Tom Lancaster, Riccardo Hertel, Ondrej Hovorka, and Hans Fangohr
Proposal for a micromagnetic standard problem for materials with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
New Journal of Physics 20, 113015 (2018)

- Marc-Antonio Bisotti, David Cortes-Ortuno, Ryan Pepper, Weiwei Wang, Marijan Beg, Thomas Kluyver and Hans Fangohr
Fidimag - A Finite Difference Atomistic and Micromagnetic Simulation Package
Journal of Open Research Software 6, 22 (2018)

- Max O. Wiedorn, Dominik Oberthür, Richard Bean, Robin Schubert, Nadine Werner, Brian Abbey, Martin Aepfelbacher, Luigi Adriano, Aschkan Allahgholi, Nasser Al-Qudami, Jakob Andreasson, Steve Aplin, Salah Awel, Kartik Ayyer, Sasa Bajt, Imrich Barak, Sadia Bari, Johan Bielecki, Sabine Botha, Djelloul Boukhelef, Wolfgang Brehm, Sandor Brockhauser, Igor Cheviakov, Matthew A. Coleman, Francisco Cruz-Mazo, Cyril Danilevski, Connie Darmanin, R. Bruce Doak, Martin Domaracky, Katerina Dörner, Yang Du, Hans Fangohr, Holger Fleckenstein, Matthias Frank, Petra Fromme, Alfonso M. Ganan-Calvo, Yaroslav Gevorkov, Klaus Giewekemeyer, Helen Mary Ginn, Heinz Graafsma, Rita Graceffa, Dominic Greiffenberg, Lars Gumprecht, Peter Göttlicher, Janos Hajdu, Steffen Hauf, Michael Heymann, Susannah Holmes, Daniel A. Horke, Mark S. Hunter, Siegfried Imlau, Alexander Kaukher, Yoonhee Kim, Alexander Klyuev, Juraj Knoska, Bostjan Kobe, Manuela Kuhn, Christopher Kupitz, Jochen Küpper, Janine Mia Lahey-Rudolph, Torsten Laurus, Karoline Le Cong, Romain Letrun, P. Lourdu Xavier, Luis Maia, Filipe R. N. C. Maia, Valerio Mariani, Marc Messerschmidt, Markus Metz, Davide Mezza, Thomas Michelat, Grant Mills, Diana C. F. Monteiro, Andrew Morgan, Kerstin Mühlig, Anna Munke, Astrid M¨nnich, Julia Nette, Keith A. Nugent, Theresa Nuguid, Allen M. Orville, Suraj Pandey, Gisel Pena, Pablo Villanueva-Perez, Jennifer Poehlsen, Gianpietro Previtali, Lars Redecke, Winnie Maria Riekehr, Holger Rohde, Adam Round, Tatiana Safenreiter, Iosifina Sarrou, Tokushi Sato, Marius Schmidt, Bernd Schmitt, Robert Schönherr, Joachim Schulz, Jonas A. Sellberg, M. Marvin Seibert, Carolin Seuring, Megan L. Shelby, Robert L. Shoeman, Marcin Sikorski, Alessandro Silenzi, Claudiu A. Stan, Xintian Shi, Stephan Stern, Jola Sztuk-Dambietz, Janusz Szuba, Aleksandra Tolstikova, Martin Trebbin, Ulrich Trunk, Patrik Vagovic, Thomas Ve, Britta Weinhausen, Thomas A. White, Krzysztof Wrona, Chen Xu, Oleksandr Yefanov, Nadia Zatsepin, Jiaguo Zhang, Markus Perbandt, Adrian P. Mancuso, Christian Betzel, Henry Chapman and Anton Barty
Megahertz serial crystallography
Nature Communications 9, 4025 (2018)

- Marie Luise Gruenbein, Johan Bielecki, Alexander Gorel, Miriam Stricker, Richard Bean, Marco Cammarata, Katerina Doerner, Lars Froehlich, Elisabeth Hartmann, Steffen Hauf, Mario Hilpert, Yoonhee Kim, Marco Kloos, Romain Letrun, Marc Messerschmidt, Grant Mills, Gabriela Nass Kovacs, Marco Ramilli, Christopher M. Roome, Tokushi Sato, Matthias Scholz, Michel Sliwa, Jolanta Sztuk-Dambietz, Martin Weik, Britta Weinhausen, Nasser Al-Qudami, Djelloul Boukhelef, Sandor Brockhauser, Wajid Ehsan, Moritz Emons, Sergey Esenov, Hans Fangohr, Alexander Kaukher, Thomas Kluyver, Max Lederer, Luis Maia, Maurizio Manetti, Thomas Michelat, Astrid Muennich, Florent Pallas, Guido Palmer, Gianpietro Previtali, Natascha Raab, Alessandro Silenzi, Janusz Szuba, Sandhya Venkatesan, Krzysztof Wrona, Jun Zhu, R. Bruce Doak, Robert L. Shoeman, Lutz Foucar, Jacques-Philippe Colletier, Adrian P. Mancuso, Thomas R.M. Barends, Claudiu A. Stan, Ilme Schlichting
Megahertz data collection from protein microcrystals at an X-ray free-electron laser
Nature Communications 9, 3487 (2018)

- Wenjing Jiang, Jing Xia, Xichao Zhang, Yifan Song, Chuang Ma, Hans Fangohr, G. P. Zhao, Xiaoxi Liu, Weisheng Zhao, and Yan Zhou
Dynamics of magnetic skyrmion clusters driven by spin-polarized current with a spatially varied polarization
IEEE Magnetics Letters 9, 1-5 (2018)

- Ryan Alexander Pepper, Marijan Beg, David Cortes-Ortuno, Thomas Kluyver, Marc-Antonio Bisotti, Rebecca Carey, Mark Vousden, Maximilian Albert, Weiwei Wang, Ondrej Hovorka, and Hans Fangohr
Skyrmion states in thin confined polygonal nanostructures
Journal of Applied Physics 123, 093903 (2018)

- Weiwei Wang and Chaoyang Zhang and Ryan Pepper and Congpu Mu and Yan Zhou and Hans Fangohr
Current-induced instability of domain walls in cylindrical nanowires
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30, 015801 (2018)

- G. Venkat, D. Venkateswarlu, R. S. Joshi, M. Franchin, H. Fangohr, P. S. Anil Kumar, and A. Prabhakar
Enhanced spin wave propagation in magnonic rings by bias field modulation
AIP Advances 8, 056006 (2018)

- G. Venkat, H. Fangohr, A. Prabhakar
Absorbing boundary layers for spin wave micromagnetics
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 450, 34-39 (2018)

- H. Fangohr, M. Beg, V. Bondar, D. Boukhelef, S. Brockhauser, C. Danilevski, W. Ehsan, S. G. Esenov, G. Flucke, G. Giovanetti, D. Goeries, S. Hauf, B. Heisen, D. G. Hickin, D. Khakhulin, A. Klimovskaia, M. Kuster, P. M. Lang, L. Maia, L. Mekinda, T. Michelat, A. Parenti, G. Previtali, H. Santos, A. Silenzi, J. Sztuk-Dambietz, J. Szuba, M. Teichmann, K. Weger, J. Wiggins, K. Wrona, C. Xu, S. Aplin, A. Barty, M. Kuhn, V. Mariani, and T. Kluyver
Data Analysis support in Karabo at European XFEL
Proceedings of International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems 2017, ISBN 978-3-95450-193-9, Data Analytics, Barcelona, Spain, TUCPA01 (2018)

- L. Mekinda, V. Bondar, S. Brockhauser, C. Danilevski, W. Ehsan, S.G. Esenov, H. Fangohr, G. Flucke, G. Giovanetti, S. Hauf, D.G. Hickin, A. Klimovskaia, L.G. Maia, T. Michelat, A. Muennich, A. Parenti, H. Santos, K. Weger, and C. Xu
Securing Light Source SCADA Systems
Proceedings of International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems 2017, IT Infrastructure for Control Systems, ISBN 978-3-95450-193-9, Barcelona, Spain, THBPA02 (2018)

- Francisco Queiroz, Raniere Silva, Jonah Miller, Sandor Brockhauser, Hans Fangohr
Good Usability Practices in Scientific Software Development
Proceedings of the Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE5.1) , 1-6 (2017)

- Simone Borlenghi, M. R. Mahani, Hans Fangohr, Matteo Franchin, Anna Delin, and Jonas Fransson
Micromagnetic simulations of spin torque driven magnetisation dynamics with spatially resolved spin transport and magnetisation texture
Physical Review B 96, 094428 (2017)

- J Waters, A Berger, D Kramer, H Fangohr, and O Hovorka
Identification of Curie temperature distributions in magnetic particulate systems
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50, 35LT01 (2017)

- Weiwei Wang, Chenjie Gu, Yan Zhou, Hans Fangohr
Magnonic analog of relativistic Zitterbewegung in an antiferromagnetic spin chain
Phys. Rev. B 96, 024430 (2017)

- David Cortes-Ortuno, Weiwei Wang, Marijan Beg, Marc-Antonio Bisotti, Ryan A. Pepper, Rebecca Carey, Mark Vousden, Thomas Kluyver, Ondrej Hovorka, and Hans Fangohr
Thermal stability and topological protection of skyrmions in nanotracks
Scientific Reports 7, 4060 (2017)

- Willem Eerland, Simon Box, Hans Fangohr, Andras Sobester
Teetool - A Probabilistic Trajectory Analysis Tool
Journal of Open Research Software 5, 14 (2017)

- Marijan Beg, Ryan A. Pepper, Hans Fangohr
User interfaces for computational science: a domain specific language for OOMMF embedded in Python
AIP Advances 7, 056025 (2017)

- Marijan Beg, Maximilian Albert, Marc-Antonio Bisotti, David Cortes-Ortuno, Weiwei Wang, Rebecca Carey, Mark Vousden, Ondrej Hovorka, Chiara Ciccarelli, Charles S. Spencer, Christopher H. Marrows, and Hans Fangohr
Dynamics of skyrmionic states in confined helimagnetic nanostructures
Physical Review B 95, 014433 (2017)

- Willem Eerland, Simon Box, Hans Fangohr, Andras Sobester
An open-source, stochastic, six-degrees-of-freedom rocket flight simulator, with a probabilistic trajectory analysis approach
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, SciTech Forum AIAA , 2017-1556 (2017)

- Alexander Baker, Marijan Beg, Gregory Ashton, Maximilian Albert, Dmitri Chernyshenko, Weiwei Wang, Shilei Zhang, Marc-Antonio Bisotti, Matteo Franchin, Chun Lian Hu, Robert Stamps, Thorsten Hesjedal, Hans Fangohr
Proposal of a micromagnetic standard problem for ferromagnetic resonance simulations
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 421, 428-439 (2017)

- Jasper P. Fried, Hans Fangohr, Mikhail Kostylev, Peter J. Metaxas
Exchange-mediated, non-linear, out-of-plane magnetic field dependence of the ferromagnetic vortex gyrotropic mode frequency driven by core deformation
Physical Review B 94, 224407 (2016)

- Xichao Zhang, Jing Xia, Guoping Zhao, Hans Fangohr, Motohiko Ezawa, and Yan Zhou
Racetrack-Type Applications of Magnetic Skyrmions: Topological Structures, Properties, and Applications
Chapter 12 in Book: 'Skyrmions - Topological Structures, Properties, and Applications'. Taylor & Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL, US , 375-408 (2016)

- Qingyou Meng, Christopher N. Varney, Hans Fangohr, and Egor Babaev
Phase diagrams of vortex matter with multi-scale inter-vortex interactions in layered superconductors
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29, 035602 (2016)

- Mark Vousden, Marc-Antonio Bisotti, Maximilian Albert, Hans Fangohr
Virtual Micromagnetics: A Framework for Accessible and Reproducible Micromagnetic Simulation
Journal of Open Research Software 4, e41 (2016)

- Manu Sushruth, Junjia Ding, Jeremy Duczynski, Robert C. Woodward, Ryan Begley, Hans Fangohr, Rebecca O. Fuller, Adekunle O. Adeyeye, Mikhail Kostylev, Peter J. Metaxas
Resonance-based Detection of Magnetic Nanoparticles and Microbeads Using Nanopatterned Ferromagnets
Physical Review Applied 6, 044005 (2016)

- Maximilian Albert, Marijan Beg, Dmitri Chernyshenko, Marc-Antonio Bisotti, Rebecca L. Carey, Hans Fangohr, Peter J. Metaxas
Frequency-based nanoparticle sensing over large field ranges using the ferromagnetic resonances of a magnetic nanodisc
Nanotechnology 27, 455502 (2016)

- Volodymyr P. Kravchuk, Ulrich K. Roessler, Oleksii M. Volkov, Denis D. Sheka, Jeroen van den Brink, Denys Makarov, Hagen Fuchs, Hans Fangohr, Yuri Gaididei
Topologically stable magnetization states on a spherical shell: curvature stabilized skyrmions
Physical Review B 94, 144402 (2016)

- Rebecca Carey, Marijan Beg, Maximilian Albert, Marc-Antonio Bisotti, David Cortes-Ortuno, Mark Vousden, Weiwei Wang, Ondrej Hovorka, and Hans Fangohr
Hysteresis of nanocylinders with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
Applied Physics Letters 109, 122401 (2016)

- Hans Fangohr, Maximilian Albert and Matteo Franchin
Nmag micromagnetic simulation tool - software engineering lessons learned
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Engineering for Science, at ICSE2016 SE4Science '16, 1-7 (2016)

- Mark Vousden, Maximilian Albert, Marijan Beg, Marc-Antonio Bisotti, Rebecca Carey, Dmitri Chernyshenko, David Cortes-Ortuno, Weiwei Wang, Ondrej Hovorka, Christopher H. Marrows, and Hans Fangohr
Skyrmions in thin films with easy-plane magnetocrystalline anisotropy
Applied Physics Letters 108, 132406 (2016)

- Dmitri Chernyshenko, and Hans Fangohr
Computation of the magnetostatic interaction between linearly magnetized polyhedrons
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 412, 132-137 (2016)

- Hans Fangohr, Neil O'Brien, Anil Prabhakar, Arti Kashyap
Teaching Python programming with automatic assessment and feedback provision
Technical Report arxiv:1509.03556, (2016)

- Peter J. Metaxas, Maximilian Albert, Steven Lequeux, Vincent Cros, Julie Grollier, Paolo Bortolotti, Abdelmadjid Anane, and Hans Fangohr
Resonant translational, breathing and twisting modes of pinned transverse magnetic domain walls
Phys Rev B 93, 054414 (2015)

- Marijan Beg, Rebecca Carey, Weiwei Wang, David Cortes-Ortuno, Mark Vousden, Marc-Antonio Bisotti, Maximilian Albert, Dmitri Chernyshenko, Ondrej Hovorka, Robert L. Stamps, and Hans Fangohr
Ground state search, hysteretic behaviour, and reversal mechanism of skyrmionic textures in confined helimagnetic nanostructures
Scientific Reports 5, 17137 (2015)

- Weiwei Wang, Mykola Dvornik, Marc-Antonio Bisotti, Dmitri Chernyshenko, Marijan Beg, Maximilian Albert, Arne Vansteenkiste, Bartel V. Waeyenberge, Andriy N. Kuchko, Volodymyr V. Kruglyak, and Hans Fangohr
Phenomenological description of the nonlocal magnetization relaxation in magnonics, spintronics, and domain-wall dynamics
Phys Rev B 92, 054430 (2015)

- Weiwei Wang, Marijan Beg, Bin Zhang, Wolfgang Kuch, Hans Fangohr
Driving magnetic skyrmions with microwave fields
Phys Rev B Rapid Communications 92, 020403(R) (2015)

- Valerio Vitale, Jacek Dziedzic, Simon Mutien-Marie Dubois, Hans Fangohr, and Chris-Kriton Skylaris
Anharmonic infrared spectroscopy through the Fourier transform of time correlation function formalism in ONETEP
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 11, 3321-3332 (2015)

- Dmitri Chernyshenko, and Hans Fangohr
Computing the demagnetizing tensor for finite difference micromagnetic simulations via numerical integration
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 381, 440-445 (2015)

- Bin Zhang, Weiwei Wang, Marijan Beg, Hans Fangohr and Wolfgang Kuch
Microwave-induced dynamic switching of magnetic skyrmion cores in nanodots
Applied Physics Letters 106, 102401 (2015)

- Peter Metaxas, Manu Sushruth, Ryan Begley, Junjia Ding, Robert Woodward, Ivan Maksymov, Maximilian Albert, Weiwei Wang, Hans Fangohr, Adekunle Adeyeye and Mikhail Kostylev
Sensing magnetic nanoparticles using nano-confined ferromagnetic resonances in a magnonic crystal
Applied Physics Letters 106, 232406 (2015)

- Weiwei Wang, Maximilian Albert, Marijan Beg, Marc-Antonio Bisotti, Dmitri Chernyshenko, David Cortes, Ian Hawke, and Hans Fangohr
Magnon driven domain wall motion with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
Physical Review Letters 114, 087203 (2015)

- X. C. Zhang, G. P. Zhao, H. Fangohr, J. P. Liu, W. X. Xia, J. Xia, F. J. Morvan
Skyrmion-skyrmion and skyrmion-edge repulsions in skyrmion-based racetrack memory
Scientific Reports 5, 7643 (2015)
![Date: 15 April 2016 at 16:00:33 BST
Dear Hans Fangohr,
We are delighted to announce that your research article 'Skyrmion-skyrmion and skyrmion-edge repulsions in skyrmion-based racetrack memory' received 7 citations in 2015, placing it as one of the top 100 cited Scientific Reports articles in 2015.
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- P. Manchanda, P. Kumar, H. Fangohr, D. J. Sellmyer, A. Kashyap, and R. Skomski
Magnetoelectric control of surface anisotropy and nucleation modes in L10-CoPt thin-films
IEEE Magnetics Letters 5, 2500104 (2014)

- Qi Wang, Huaiwu Zhang, Xiaoli Tang, Hans Fangohr, Feiming Bai, Zhiyong Zhong
Dynamic control of spin wave spectra using spin-polarized currents
Applied Physics Letters 105, 112405 (2014)

- Qingyou Meng, Christopher N. Varney, Hans Fangohr, Egor Babaev
Honeycomb, square, and kagome vortex lattices in superconducting systems with multi-scale inter-vortex interactions
Physical Review B Rapid Communications 90, 020509 (2014)

- Simone Borlenghi, Weiwei Wang, Hans Fangohr, Lars Bergqvist, and Anna Delin
Designing a Spin-Seebeck Diode
Physical Review Letters 112, 047203 (2014)

- Xibin Xu, Hans Fangohr, Min Gu, Wei Chen, Zhihe Wang, Fei Zhou, Dongqi Shi, and S X Dou
Simulation of the phase diagram of magnetic vortices in two-dimensional superconductors: Evidence for vortex chain formation
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26, 115702 (2014)

- Benjamin Schumann, Mario Ferraro, Amrith Surendra, Hans Fangohr, and J.P. Scanlan
Better Design Decisions Through Operational Modeling During the Early Design Phases
AIAA Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 11, 195-210 (2014)

- Christopher N. Varney and Karl A. H. Sellin and Quing-Ze Wang, and Hans Fangohr and Egor Babaev
Hierarchical structure formation in layered superconducting systems with multi-scale inter-vortex interactions
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 415702 (2013)

- O. Dmytriiev and V. V. Kruglyak and M. Franchin and H. Fangohr and L. Giovannini and F. Montoncello
Role of boundaries in micromagnetic calculations of magnonic spectra of arrays of magnetic nanoelements
Physical Review B 87, 174422 (2013)

- G. Venkat and D. Kumar and M. Franchin and O. Dmytriiev and M. Mruczkiewicz and H. Fangohr and A. Barman and M. Krawczyk and and A. Prabhakar
Proposal for a standard micromagnetic problem: Spin wave dispersion in a magnonic waveguide
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 49, 524-529 (2013)

- D. Kumar, P. Sabareesan, W. Wang, H. Fangohr, A. Barman
Effect of Hole Shape on Spin-Wave Band Structure in One-Dimensional Magnonic Antidot Waveguide
Journal of Applied Physics 114, 023910 (2013)

- J. W. Klos, D. Kumar, J. Romero-Vivas, H. Fangohr, M. Franchin, M. Krawczyk, and A. Barman
The effect of magnetization pinning on the spectrum of spin waves in magnonic antidot waveguides
Physical Review B 86, 184433 (2012)

- X Duan; V. Stephanovich; Y. G. Semenov, Hans Fangohr; M Franchin, and Ki Wook Kim
Electric field driven domain wall transfer in hybrid structures
Device Research Conference (DRC), 2012 70th Annual 180.0005 - 20, 121-122 (2012)

- O. Dmytriiev, M. Dvornik, R.V. Mikhaylovskiy, M. Franchin, H. Fangohr, L. Giovannini, F. Montoncello, D.V. Berkov, E.K. Semenova, N.L. Gorn, A. Prabhakar, and V.V. Kruglyak
Calculation of high-frequency permeability of magnonic metamaterials beyond the macrospin approximation
Physical Review B 86, 104405 (2012)

- Andreas Knittel, Matteo Franchin, Farzad Nasirpouri, Simon J. Bending, and Hans Fangohr
Effect of rounded corners on the magnetic properties of pyramidal-shaped shell structures
Journal of Applied Physics 111, 07D127 (2012)

- Mario Ferraro and James Scanlan and Hans Fangohr and Benjamin Schumann
A generic unifying ontology for civil unmanned aerial vehicle missions
12th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference and 14th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference , (2012)

- P. K. Sahota, Y. Liu, R. Skomski, P. Manchanda, R. Zhang, M. Franchin, H. Fangohr, G. C. Hadjipanayis, A. Kashyap, and D. J. Sellmyer
Ultrahard magnetic nanostructures
Journal of Applied Physics 111, 07E345 (2012)

- P. Manchanda, R. Skomski, P. K. Sahota, M. Franchin, H. Fangohr, and A. Kashyap
Multiscale micromagnetism of Co-Pd multilayers
Journal of Applied Physics 111, 07C724 (2012)

- G Venkat and A Prabhakar and M Franchin and H Fangohr
Exchange Splitting of Backward Volume Spin Wave Configuration Dispersion Curves in a Permalloy Nano-stripe
PIERS Proceedings, March 27-30, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA, Nano Scale Electromagnetics 2P2b, 760-764 (2012)

- Maximilian Albert, Matteo Franchin, Thomas Fischbacher, Guido Meier, and Hans Fangohr
Domain wall motion in perpendicular anisotropy nanowires with edge roughness
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 024219 (14 pages) (2012)

- Matteo Franchin, Andreas Knittel, Maximilian Albert, Dmitri Chernyshenko, Thomas Fischbacher, Anil Prabhakhar, and Hans Fangohr
Enhanced spin transfer torque effect for transverse domain walls in cylindrical nanowires
Physical Review B 84, 094409 (9 pages) (2011)

- F Nasirpouri, S. J. Bending, L. M. Peter, and H. Fangohr
Electrodeposition and magnetic properties of three-dimensional bulk and shell nickel mesostructures
Thin Solid Films 519, 8320-8325 (2011)

- Hans Fangohr, Dmitri S. Chernyshenko, Matteo Franchin, Thomas Fischbacher, Guido Meier
Joule heating in nanowires
Physical Review B 84, 054437 (2011)

- X. B. Xu, H. Fangohr, M. Gu, S. L. Liu, D. Q. Shi, S. X. Dou
Vortex dynamics for low-kappa type II superconductors
Phys Rev B 84, 014515 (2011)

- F. Nasirpouri, M. Engbarth, S. J. Bending, L. M. Peter, A. Knittel, H. Fangohr, and M. V. Milosevic
Three dimensional ferromagnetic architectures with multiple metastable states
Applied Physics Letters 98, 222506 (2011)

- Andre Muller, Sara E. C. Dale, Miles A. Engbarth, Simon J. Bending, Laurence M. Peter, Andreas Knittel, and Hans Fangohr
Field-Tuneable Diamagnetism in Ferromagnetic-Superconducting Core-Shell Structures
Advanced Functional Materials 21, 1874-1880 (2011)

- Thomas Fischbacher, Matteo Franchin, and Hans Fangohr
Micromagnetic simulations of magnetoelectric materials
Journal of Applied Physics 109, 07D352 (2011)

- X. B. Xu, H. Fangohr, S. Y. Ding, F. Zhou, X. N. Xu, Z. H. Wang, M. Gu, D. Q. Shi, S. X. Dou.
Phase diagram of vortex matter of type-II superconductors
Phys Rev B 83, 014501 (2011)

- D.Claudio-Gonzalez, M.K. Husaina, C.H. de Groot, G. Bordignon, Thomas Fischbacher, and H. Fangohr
Fabrication and simulation of nanostructures for domain wall magnetoresistance studies on nickel
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 322, 1467-1470 (2010)

- A Knittel and M Franchin and T Fischbacher and F Nasirpouri and S J Bending and H Fangohr
Micromagnetic studies of three-dimensional pyramidal shell structures
New Journal of Physics 12, 113048 (23 pages) (2010)

- Yudong Wang, C.H. de Groot, D. Claudio-Gonzalez, Hans Fangohr
Magneto-resistance in a lithography defined single constrained domain wall spin valve
Applied Physics Letters 97, 262501 (2010)

- Thomas Fischbacher, and Hans Fangohr
Continuum multi-physics modeling with scripting languages: the Nsim simulation compiler prototype for classical field theory
arxiv:0907.1587, (2009)

- Hans Fangohr, Giuliano Bordignon, Matteo Franchin, Andreas Knittel, Peter A. J. de Groot, Thomas Fischbacher
A new approach to (quasi) periodic boundary conditions in micromagnetics: the macro geometry
Journal of Applied Physics 105, 07D529 (2009)

- Thomas Fischbacher, Matteo Franchin, Giuliano Bordignon, Andreas Knittel, Hans Fangohr
Parallel execution and scriptability in micromagnetic simulations
Journal of Applied Physics 105, 07D527 (2009)

- Andreas Knittel, M. Franchin, G. Bordignon, Thomas Fischbacher, S. Bending, H. Fangohr
Compression of Boundary Element Matrix in Micromagnetic Simulations
Journal of Applied Physics 105, 07D542 (2009)

- Jurgen P. Zimmermann, Kevin Martin, Giuliano Bordignon, Matteo Franchin, Roger C. C. Ward, Graham J. Bowden, Peter A. J. de Groot, and Hans Fangohr
Magnetic switching modes for exchange spring systems ErFe2/YFe2/DyFe2/YFe2 with competing anisotropies
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 321, 2499-2507 (2009)

- Massoud Najafi, Benjamin Kruger, Stellan Bohlens, Matteo Franchin, Hans Fangohr, Antoine Vanhaverbeke, Rolf Allenspach, Markus Bolte, Ulrich Merkt, Daniela Pfannkuche, Dietmar P. F. Moller, and Guido Meier
Proposal for a Standard Problem for Micromagnetic Simulations Including Spin-Transfer Torque
Journal of Applied Physics 105, 113914 (2009)

- X.B. Xu, H. Fangohr, X.N. Xu, M. Gu, S.Y. Ding, D.Q. Shi, S.X. Dou
Nonequilibrium dynamics in type-II superconductors with inhomogeneous vortex pinning
Physica C 469, 2008-2011 (2009)

- Giuliano Bordignon, Thomas Fischbacher, Matteo Franchin, Jurgen P. Zimmermann, Peter A. J. de Groot, Hans Fangohr
Numerical studies of demagnetizing effects in triangular ring arrays
JAP 103, 07D932 (2008)

- Matteo Franchin, Giuliano Bordignon, Peter A. J. de Groot, Thomas Fischbacher, Jurgen P. Zimmermann, Guido Meier, Hans Fangohr
Spin-polarized currents in exchange spring systems
JAP 103, 07A504 (2008)

- Hans Fangohr, Juergen P Zimmermann, Richard P Boardman, David C Gonzalez, Cornelis H de Groot
Numerical Investigation of domain walls in constrained geometries
JAP 103, 07D926 (2008)

- G.Pavlovski, E. C. D. Pope, C. R. Kaiser, H. Fangohr
Morphology of flows and buoyant bubbles in the Virgo cluster
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 384, 1377-1386 (2008)

- Steven Johnston, Hans Fangohr, Simon J. Cox.
Managing Large Volumes of Distributed Scientific Data
Lecture Notes in Computational Science 5103, 339-348 (2008)

- Matteo Franchin, Thomas Fischbacher, Giuliano Bordignon, Peter de Groot, Hans Fangohr
Current-driven dynamics of domain walls constrained in ferromagnetic nanopillars
Phys Rev B 78, 054447 (2008)

- X.B. Xu, H. Fangohr, X.N. Xu, M. Gu, Z.H. Wang, S.M. Ji, S.Y. Ding
Peak effect in the critical current of type II superconductors with strong magnetic vortex pinning
Phys Rev Lett 101, 147002 (2008)

- Kaihsu Tai, Marc Baaden, Stuart Murdock, Bing Wu, Muan Hong Ng, Steven Johnston, Richard Boardman, Hans Fangohr, Katherine Cox, Jonathan W. Essex, Mark S. P. Sansom
Three hydrolases and a transferase: comparative analysis of active-site dynamics via the BioSimGrid database.
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 25, 896-902 (2007)

- Peter A. J. de Groot, AA Zhukov R Boardman G Bordignon H Fangohr, PN Bartlett
Geometrical Multilayers: Coercivity in magnetic 3d nanostructures
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 310, 846-848 (2007)

- Richard P. Boardman, Hans Fangohr, Matthew J. Fairman, Jurgen Zimmermann, Simon J. Cox, Alexander A. Zhukov, Peter A. J. de Groot
Micromagnetic modelling of ferromagnetic cones
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 312, 234-238 (2007)

- Thomas Fischbacher, Matteo Franchin, Giuliano Bordignon, Hans Fangohr
A Systematic Approach to Multiphysics Extensions of Finite-Element-Based Micromagnetic Simulations: Nmag
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 43, 6, 2896-2898 (2007)

- Giuliano Bordignon, Thomas Fischbacher, Matteo Franchin, Jurgen P. Zimmermann, Alexander A. Zhukov, Vitali V. Metlushko, Peter A. J. de Groot, Hans Fangohr
Analysis of Magnetoresistance in Arrays of Connected Nano-Rings
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 43, 6, 2881-2883 (2007)

- Matteo Franchin, J.P. Zimmermann, Thomas Fischbacher, Giuliano Bordignon, Peter de Groot, Hans Fangohr
Micromagnetic Modelling of the Dynamics of Exchange Springs in Multi-Layer Systems
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 43, 6, 2887-2889 (2007)

- X.B. Xu, H. Fangohr, S. Y. Ding, M. Gu, T. B. Tang, Z. H. Han, D. Q. Shi, S. X. Dou
Apparent negative motion of vortex matter due to inhomogeneous pinning
Physical Review B 75, 224507 (2007)

- D.C. Gonzalez, M.E. Kiziroglou, X. Lia, A.A. Zhukov, H. Fangohr, P.A.J. de Groot, P.N. Barttlet, C.H. de Groot
Long range ordering in self-assembled Ni arrays on patterned Si
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 316, e78-e81 (2007)

- N.N. Negulyaev, V.S. Stepanyuk, W. Hergert, H. Fangohr, P. Bruno
Effect of the long-range adsorbate interactions on the atomic self-assembly on metal surfaces
Surface Science Letters 600, L58-61 (2006)

- I. R. Fernandez, H. Fangohr, A. Bhaskar
Normal modes of carbon nanotubes: similarities and differences with their continuum counterpart
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 26, 131-134 (2006)

- A.A. Zhukov, M. A. Ghanem, A. V. Goncharov, R. Boardman, V. Novosad, G. Karapetrov, H. Fangohr, P. N. Bartlett, P. A. J. de Groot
Oscillatory Thickness Dependence of the Coercive Field in Magnetic 3D Anti-Dot Arrays
Applied Physics Letters 88, 062511 (2006)

- G.J. Bowden, P. A. J. de Groot, B. D. Rainford, K. Wang, K. N. Martin, J. P. Zimmermann, H. Fangohr
Magnetic anisotropy terms in [110] MBE grown REFe2 films involving the strain term epsilon_xy
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18, 5861-5871 (2006)

- E.C.D. Pope, G. Pavlovski, C. R. Kaiser, H. Fangohr
Heating Rate Profiles in Galaxy Clusters
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc 367, 1121-1131 (2006)

- X.B. Xu, Y. Liu, H. Fangohr, L. Zhang, S. Y. Ding, Z. H. Wang, S. L. Liu, G. J. Wu, H. M. Shao.
Metastable behavior of vortex matter in the electronic transport processes of homogenous superconductors
Physical Review B 73, 214521 (2006)

- H. Fangohr.
Exploiting Real-Time 3d Visualisation to Enthuse Students: A Case Study of Using Visual Python in Engineering
Lecture Notes on Computational Science 3992, 136-146 (2006)

- N.N. Negulyaev, V. S. Stepanyuk, L. Niebergall, W. Hergert, H. Fangohr, P. Bruno.
Self-organization of Ce adatoms on Ag(111): A kinetic Monte Carlo study
Physical Review B 74, 035421 (2006)

- K.N. Martin, K. Wang, G. J. Bowden, A. A. Zhukov, P. A. J. de Groot, J. P. Zimmermann, H. Fangohr, R. C. C. Ward.
Exchange spring driven spin flop transition in ErFe2/YFe2 multilayers
App. Phys. Lett 89, 132511 (2006)

- A.V.Goncharov, A.A.Zhukov, V.V.Metlushko, G.Bordignon, H.Fangohr, C.H.de Groot, J.Unguris, W.C.Uhlig, G.Karapetrov, B.Ilic, P.A.J.de Groot
Anisotropy of Magnetization Reversal and Magnetoresistance in Square Arrays of Permalloy Nano-Rings
IEEE Transactions on magnetics 42, 10, 2948-2950 (2006)

- Edward Pope, Georgi Pavlovski, Christian Kaiser, Hans Fangohr.
Heating rate profiles of galaxy clusters
Contribution to Proceedings MPA/ESO/MPE/USM Joint Astronomy Conference on Heating vs. Cooling in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies, 251-August 2006, Garching, Germany. Published by Springer, ESA Astrophysics Symposia, eds. H. Boehringer, P. Schuecker, G.W. Pratt & A. Finoguenov (2006)

- K.N. Martin, P. A. J. de Groot, B. D. Rainford, K. Wang, G. J. Bowden, J. P. Zimmermann, H. Fangohr
Magnetic anisotropy in the cubic Laves REFe2 intermetallic compounds
Journal of Condensed Matter Physics 18, (2006)

- Muan Hong Ng, Steven Johnston, Bing Wu, Stuart E. Murdock, Kaihsu Tai, Hans Fangohr, Simon J. Cox, Jonathan W. Essex, Mark S. P. Sansom, Paul Jeffreys
BioSimGrid: Grid-enabled Biomolecular Simulation Data Storage and Analysis
Future Generation Computer Systems 6, 22, 657-664 (2006)

- Jurgen P. Zimmermann, Giuliano Bordignon, Richard P. Boardman, Thomas Fischbacher, Hans Fangohr, Kevin Martin, Graham J. Bowden, Alexander A. Zhukov, Peter A. J. de Groot
Micromagnetic simulation of the magnetic exchange spring system DyFe2/YFe2
Journal of Applied Physics 99, 08B904 (2006)

- A.V.Goncharov, A. A.Zhukov, V.V.Metlushko, G.Bordignon, H.Fangohr, G.Karapetrov, P.A.J.de Groot
In-Plane Anisotropy of Coercive Field in Permalloy Square Ring Arrays
Journal of Applied Physics 99, 08Q508 (2006)

- Stuart E. Murdock, Kaihsu Tai, Muan Hong Ng, Steven Johnston, Bing Wu, Hans Fangohr, Charles A. Laughton, Jonathan W. Essex, Mark S. P. Sansom.
Quality assurance for biomolecular simulations.
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, Letter 2, 1477-1481 (2006)

- Bing Wu, Kaihsu Tai, Muan Hong Ng, Steven Johnston, Stuart Murdock, Hans Fangohr, Mark S. P. Sansom, Jonathan Essex, Paul Jeffreys, Simon Cox
Towards a grid-enabled biomolecular simulation database.
Proceedings of UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2005, 577-580. ISBN 1-904425-53-4 (2005)

- Zhukov, A. A., Kiziroglou, M. E., Goncharov, A. V., Boardman, R., Ghanem, M. A., Novosad, V., Karapetrov, G., Li, X., Fangohr, H., de Groot, C. H., Bartlett, P. N., de Groot, P. A. J.
Shape induced anisotropy in hybrid anti-dot arrays from guided self-assembly templates
In Proceedings of The 2005 IEEE International Magnetics Conference, Nagoya 2005 923-924 (2005)

- A.A. Zhukov, A. V. Goncharov, P. A. J. de Groot, M. A. Ghanem, I. S. El-Hallog, P. N. Bartlett, R. Boardman, H. Fangohr, V. Novosad, G. Karapetrov.
Oscillatory Thickness Dependence of the Coercive Field in 3D Anti-Dot Arrays from self-assembly
Journal of Applied Physics 97, 10J701 (2005)

- A.A. Zhukov, E. T. Filby, M. A. Ghanem, P. N. Bartlett, R. Boardman, H. Fangohr, V. Novosad, G. Karapetrov, P. A. J. de Groot.
Self-assembly Routes towards Creating Superconducting and Magnetic Arrays.
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 139, 339-349 (2005)

- A.Goncharov, A. A. Zhukov, P. N. Bartlett, M. A. Ghanem, R. P. Boardman, H. Fangohr, P.A.J. de Groot.
Ordered sub-micron magnetic dot arrays using self-assembly template method
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 286, (2005)

- R.P. Boardman, J. Zimmermann, H. Fangohr, A. A. Zhukov, P. A. J. de Groot
Micromagnetic simulation studies of ferromagnetic part-spheres
Journal of Applied Physics 97, 10E305 (2005)

- Christopher J. Woods, Muan Hong Ng, Steven Johnston, Stuart E. Murdock, Bing Wu, Kaihsu Tai, Hans Fangohr, Paul Jeffreys, Simon Cox, Jeremy G. Frey, Mark S. P. Sansom, Jonathan W. Essex
Grid computing and biomolecular simulation.
Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A 363, 2017-2035 (2005)

- C.R. Kaiser, E. C. D. Pope, G. Pavlovski, H. Fangohr
The stability of buoyant bubbles in the atmoshpere of galaxy clusters
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc 359, (2005)

- E.C.D. Pope, G. Pavlovski, C. R. Kaiser, H. Fangohr
The Effect of Thermal Conduction on the Virgo Cluster
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc 364, (2005)

- A.A. Zhukov, M. E. Kiziroglou, A. V. Goncharov, R. Boardman, M. A. Ghanem, M. Abdelsalam, V. Novosad, G. Karapetrov, X. Li, H. Fangohr, C. H. de Groot, P. N. Bartlett, P. A. J. de Groot.
Shape-Induced Anisotropy in Antidot Arrays From Self-Assembled Templates
IEEE Trans. Magn. 41, 10 (2005)

- H. Fangohr.
A Comparison of C, Matlab and Python as Teaching Languages in Engineering
Lecture Notes on Computational Science 3039, 1210-1217 (2004)

- Bing Wu, Matthew Dovey, Kaihsu Tai, Muan Hong Ng,Stuart, Murdock, Hans Fangohr, Steven Johnston, Paul Jeffreys, Simon Cox, Jonathan W. Essex, Mark S.P. Sansom.
Security and BioSimGrid: A Biomolecular Simulation Database
Proceedings of Workshop on Grid Security Practice and Experience Oxford, 8-9 July 2004.Published as: University of York, Department of Computer Science Technical Report YCS0.0005 - 2004-380, 4 pages (2004)

- Muan Hong Ng, Steven Johnston, Stuart Murdock, Bing Wu, Kaihsu Tai, Hans Fangohr, Simon Cox, Jonathan W. Essex, Mark Sansom, Paul Jeffreys.
Efficient data storage and analysis for generic biomolecular simulation data.
In Proceedings of UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2004, 443-450. Simon J. Cox, editor. Swindon: EPSRC, ISBN 1-904425-21-6443 (2004)

- R.P. Boardman, H. Fangohr, A. V. Goncharov, A. A. Zhukov, P. A. J. de Groot, S. J. Cox
Micromagnetic simulation of ferromagnetic part-spherical particles
Journal of Applied Physics 95, 7037-7039 (2004)

- S.J. Bending, A. N. Grigorenko, M. J. Van Bael, M. Lange, V. V. Moschalkov c, H. Fangohr, P. A. J. de Groot.
Driving force for commensurate vortex domain formation in periodic pinning arrays
Physica C: Superconductivity 404, 50-55 (2004)

- Bing Wu, Matthew Dovey, Muan Hong Ng, Kaihsu Tai, Stuart Murdock, Hans Fangohr, Steven Johnston, Paul Jeffreys, Simon Cox, Jonathan Essex, Mark S. P. Sansom.
A web/grid portal implementation of BioSimGrid: a biomolecular simulation database.
Journal of Digital Information Management 2, 74-78 (2004)

- A.A. Zhukov, M. A. Ghanem, A. V. Goncharov, P. A. J. de Groot, I. S. El-Hallag, P. N. Bartlett, R. P. Boardman, H. Fangohr
Coercivity of 3D nanoscale magnetic arrays from self-assembly template methods
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272-276, Part 2, 1621-1622 (2004)

- Kaihsu Tai, Stuart Murdock, Bing Wu, Muan Hong Ng, Steven Johnston, Hans Fangohr, Simon J. Cox, Paul Jeffreys, Jonathan W. Essex, Mark S. P. Sansom.
BioSimGrid: towards a worldwide repository for biomolecular simulations
Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 2, 3219 - 3221 (2004)

- Hans Fangohr, Alexei E. Koshelev, Matthew J. W. Dodgson.
Vortex matter in layered superconductors without Josephson coupling: numerical simulations within a mean-field approach
Phys. Rev. B 67, 174508, 12 pages (2003)

- A.N. Grigorenko, S. J. Bending, M. J. Van Bael, M. Lange, V. V. Moshchalkov, H. Fangohr, P. A. J. de Groot.
Symmetry locking and commensurate vortex domain formation in periodic pinning arrays
Phys. Rev. Lett 90, 237001, 4 pages (2003)

- Marc Molinari, Hans Fangohr, Jacek Generowicz, Simon J. Cox.
Finite Element Optimizations for Efficient Non-Linear Electrical Tomography Reconstruction.
In Mann, R., Mewes, D. and Ronson, P., Eds. Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, 406-417 (2001)

- Hans Fangohr, Peter A. J. de Groot, Simon J. Cox.
Critical Transverse Forces in Weakly Pinned Driven Vortex Systems.
Phys. Rev. B 63, 064501, 5 pages (2001)

- Hans Fangohr, Simon J. Cox, Peter A.J. de Groot.
Vortex dynamics in two-dimensional systems at high driving forces.
Phys. Rev. B 64, 064505, 10 pages (2001)

- Andrew R. Price, Hans Fangohr, Simon J. Cox, Peter A.J. de Groot.
Monte Carlo Simulation of Layered High Temperature Superconductors.
Physica C 341-348, 1303-1304 (2000)

- Hans Fangohr, Andrew R. Price, Simon J. Cox, Peter A.J. de Groot, Geoffrey J. Daniell, Ken S. Thomas
Efficient Methods for Handling Long-Range Forces in Particle-Particle Simulations.
Journal of Computational Physics 162, 372-384 (2000)

Selected conference contributions
- Peter J. Metaxas, Manu Sushruth, Ryan Begley, Junjia Ding, Robert C. Woodward, Ivan S. Maksymov, Maximilian Albert, Weiwei Wang, Hans Fangohr, Adekunle Adeyeye and Mikhail Kostylev
Towards nano-scale magnetic biosensors: demonstration of nanoparticle detection with a magnonic crystal
Invited talk at Australian Institute of Physics conference 2014, AU (2014)

- Maximilian Albert, Luzanne Fadahunsi, Weiwei Wang, MarcAntonio Bisotti, Dmitri Chernychenko, Marijan Beg, Peter Metaxas, Hans Fangohr
Resonant modes of coupled magnetic nanodisks
Poster at MMM 2013, Denver, Colorado, US. (2013)

- Peter Metaxas, Steven Lequeux, Paolo Bortolotti, Abdelmadjid Anane1, Maximilian Albert, Hans Fangohr, Julie Grollier, and Vincent Cros
Resonant modes of pinned transverse domain walls
Talk at MMM 2013, Denver, Colorado, US. (2013)
- G. Venkat, D. Venkateswarlu, R. S. Joshi, A. Prabhakar, P. S. Anil Kumar, and H. Fangohr
Spin wave propagation in permalloy rings
IEEE International Conference on Microwave Magnetics 2012 (Kaiserslautern, Germany), Talk, 27 August (A11-C) (2012)
- James Snowdon, Ben Waterson, and H. Fangohr
The evolution of driver route switching behavior in stochastically perturbed networks
4th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA2012), Martha's Vinyard, US, 04 - 06 Jun 2012, Talk, 19 page article in proceedigs (2012)

- Qingze Wang and Christopher Varney and Hans Fangohr and Egor Babaev
Molecular Dynamics of Type-1.5 Superconductors
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, APS March Meeting 2012 57, BAPS.2012.MAR.V54.8 (2012)
- Matteo Franchin, Greg Ashton, Max Albert, Dmitri Chernyshenko, Thomas Fischbacher, Anil Prabhakar and Hans Fangohr
Current driven nucleation of domain walls in cylindrical nanowires
Poster at MMM 2011, Scottsdale, Arizona, US. (2011)

- Andreas Knittel, Matteo Franchin, Farzid Nasirpouri, Simon Bending and Hans Fangohr
Effect of rounded corners on the magnetic properties of pyramidal-shaped shell structures
Poster at MMM 2011, Scottsdale, Arizona, US. (2011)

- Aleksander J Dubas, N.W. Bressloff, H. Fangohr, and S.M. Sharkh
Computational fluid dynamics simulation of a rim driven thruster
Open Source CFD International Conference 2011 2011, 1-9 (2011)

- M. Albert, M. Franchin, T. Fischbacher, G. Meier, and H. Fangohr
Roughness in micromagnetic simulations of nanowires with perpendicular anisotropy,
Poster at MMM 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, US. (2010)

- M. Franchin, A. Knittel, M. Albert, D. Chernyshenko, T. Fischbacher, and H. Fangohr
Pushing domain walls with spin polarized currents in cylindrical nanowires
Talk at MMM 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, US. (2010)
- Hans Fangohr, D. Chernyshenko, M. Franchin, M. Albert, T. Fischbacher, and Guido Meier
Joule heating in ferromagnetic nanowires
Talk at MMM 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, US. (2010)
- Andreas Knittel, Matteo Franchin, T Fischbacher, Simon Bending, and Hans Fangohr
Micromagnetic Study of Pyramidal Core-Shell Structures
Poster at CMMP 2009, Warwick, UK, December (2009)

- Massoud Najafi, Benjamin Krueger, Stellan Bohlens, Matteo Franchin, Hans Fangohr, Markus Bolte, Antoine Vanhaverbeke, Rolf Allenspach, Ulrich Merkt, Daniela Pfannkuche, Dietmar Moeller1, Guido Meier.
Proposal for a Standard Problem for Micromagnetic Simulations Including Spin-Transfer Torque
Talk at Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, Dresden, March (2009)

- Massoud Najafi, Benjamin Krueger, Stellan Bohlens, Matteo Franchin, Hans Fangohr, Markus Bolte, Antoine Vanhaverbeke, Rolf Allenspach, Ulrich Merkt, Daniela Pfannkuche, Dietmar Moeller, Guido Meier.
Proposal for a Standard Problem for Micromagnetic Simulations Including Spin-Transfer Torque
Talk at INTERMAG May 2009, BE-10 (2009)

- M. Franchin, T. Fischbacher, A. Knittel, P.A.J. de Groot and H. Fangohr
Current-driven dynamics of domain walls constrained in ferromagnetic nanopillars
Invited talk at Advances in Magnetic Nanostructures meeting Vail, Colorade (US), 9 October 2009 (2009)
- M. Franchin, T. Fischbacher, A. Knittel, P.A.J. de Groot and H. Fangohr
Current-driven dynamics of domain walls constrained in ferromagnetic nanopillars
workshop Magnonics from Fundamentals to Applications, Dresden, Germany (2009)
- Giuliano Bordignon, Thomas Fischbacher, Matteo Franchin, Andreas Knittel, Peter A.J. de Groot, Hans Fangohr
Triangular ring arrays: a numerical investigation
Poster at CMMP 2008, Egham, UK, March (2008)
- M. Franchin, T. Fischbacher, G. Bordignon, A. Knittel, G. Meier, P.A.J. de Groot,, H. Fangohr
Spin polarised currents in exchange spring nanopillars
Poster at CMMP 2008, Egham, UK, March (2008)
- A Knittel, M Franchin, G Bordignon, T Fischbacher, S Bending, H Fangohr.
Compression of boundary element matrix in micromagnetic simulationsin micromagnetic simulations
Poster at CMMP 2008, Egham, UK, March (2008)

- Steven Johnston, Richard Boardman, Simon J Cox, Mark Sansom, Jonathan Essex, Hans Fangohr.
BioSimGrid: Applications, performance and infrastructure
Poster at All-hands meeting September 2008, Edinburgh, UK (2008)
- M. Franchin, J.P. Zimmermann, T. Fischbacher, G. Bordignon, P.A.J. de Groot, H. Fangohr
Micromagnetic modelling of the dynamics of exchange springs in multi-layer systems
Talk at Joined MMM/Intermag 2007, January 2007, Baltimore, Maryland, US (2007)
- Giuliano Bordignon, Thomas Fischbacher, Matteo Franchin, Jurgen P. Zimmermann, Alexander A. Zhukov, Vitali V. Metlushko, Peter A. J. de Groot, Hans Fangohr
Analysis of magnetoresistance in arrays of connected nano-rings
Talk at Joined MMM/Intermag 2007, January 2007, Baltimore, Maryland, US (2007)
- Thomas Fischbacher, Matteo Franchin, Giuliano Bordignon, Hans Fangohr.
A systematic approach to multiphysics extensions of finite-element based micromagnetic simulations: Nmag
Poster at Joined MMM/Intermag 2007, January 2007, Baltimore, Maryland, US (2007)
- H Fangohr, T Fischbacher, G Bordignon, M Franchin
Advances in computational micromagnetics of nanostructures
Talk at CMMP 2007, page 40, Leicester, UK, April (2007)
- A. R. Buckingham, K. N. Martin, C. G. Morrison, G. J. Bowden, P. A. J. de Groot, J. P. Zimmermann, H. Fangohr & R.C.C. Ward
Spin-flop transition driven by exchange springs in ErFe2/YFe2 multilayers
Poster at CMMP 2007, Leicester, UK, April (2007)
- Hans Fangohr, Juergen P Zimmermann, Richard P Boardman, David C Gonzalez, Cornelis H de Groot
Numerical Investigation of domain walls in constrained geometries
Poster at MMM2007 (Tampa) (2007)

- G Bordignon, R. P. Boardman, T. Fischbacher, J.P.Zimmermann, H. Fangohr, A. A. Zhukov, P.A.J de Groot, G. Karapetrov, V. V. Metlushko.
Analysis of magnetisation switching in permalloy square ring arrays.
Poster at oCondensed Matter and Materials Physics (CMMP)
- X. Li, D. C. Gonzalez A.A. Zhukov, M.E. Kiziroglou, P.N. Bartlett, P.A.J. de Groot, H. Fangohr, C.H. de Groot.
Magnetic Domain structures in self-assembled Ni anti-dot stripes on Si
Poster at Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2006)
- K. N. Martin, P. A. J. de Groot, B. D. Rainford, K. Wang, G. J.Bowden, J. P. Zimmermann, H. Fangohr.
Magneto-crystalline anisotropy in the cubic REFe2 intermetallic compounds: A 30 year old problem in magnetism.
Poster at Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (CMMP)
- H. Fangohr, Thomas Fischbacher.
Multi-Physics Finite Element simulations of Spin-Polarized Currents in Ferromagnets
Mathematics and Applications of Finite Elements, MAFELAP 2006, Brunel, UK, Invited talk (2006)
- Georgi Pavlovski, Christian Kaiser, Edward Pope, Hans Fangohr.
Buoyant bubbles in Virgo cluster
Poster at MPA/ESO/MPE/USM Joint Astronomy Conference on Heating vs. Cooling in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies, August 2006, Garching, Germany (2006)
- Giuliano Bordignon, Matteo Franchin, Thomas Fischbacher, A.A. Zhukov, Vitali V Metlushko, Peter de Groot, Hans Fangohr.
Analysis of magnetoresistance in permalloy nano-rings
Poster at Computational Magnetism 2006, London 13 December (2006)
- Hans Fangohr
Teaching computational engineering using Python.
Talk at EuroPython 2005, Gothenburg, Sweden, 27 June (2005)
- N.N. Negulyaev, H. Fangohr, V.S. Stepanyuk, W. Hergert,, P. Bruno.
Monte-Carlo studies of nanostructures stabilised by surface state electrons.
Poster at March meeting German Physical Society, Berlin,Germany (2005)
- Murdock SE, Tai K, Ng MH, Johnston S, Wu B, Fangohr H, Essex JW, Jeffreys P, Cox S, Sansom MSP
BioSimGrid: A distributed environment for archiving and the analysis of biomolecular simulations.
Abstracts of papers of the American Chemical Society 230, U1309-U1310 125-COMP 28 AUG 2005 (2005)

- Essex JW, Murdock SE, Gledhill RJ, Tai KS, Ng MH, Johnston S, Wu B, Fangohr H, Jeffreys P, Cox S, Sansom M
BioSimGrid: A distributed database for the storage and analysis of biomolecular computer simulations.
Abstracts of papers of the American Chemical Society 229, U757-U757 012-COMP Part 1, 13 MAR 2005 (2005)
- N.N. Negulyaev, V.S. Stepanyuk, W. Hergert, H. Fangohr, P. Bruno.
Kinetic Monte-Carlo studies of nanostructures stabilized by surface state electrons.
Poster at ECOSS23 - European Conference on Surface Science, Berlin,Germany (2005)
- Jonathan W. Essex, Stuart E. Murdock, Robert J. Gledhill, Kaihsu Tai, Muan Hong Ng, Steve Johnston, Bing Wu, Hans Fangohr, Paul Jeffreys, Simon Cox,, Mark Sansom
BioSimGrid: A distributed database for the storage and analysis of biomolecular computer simulations
American Chemical Society Meeting [ACS] 2005, San Diego, United States (2005)
- C. Kaiser, E. Pope, G. Pavlovski, H. Fangohr.
Heating of galaxy clusters by AGN outflows: The next generation of simulations
National Astronomy Meeting [NAM] 2004. Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom. Invited talk. (2004)
- H. Fangohr, S. J. Cox, G. Daniell, P. A. J. de Groot.
Efficient Handling of Long-range Forces in Particle-Particle Simulations.
CMMP 2004, COM.2.3, 11, Warwick, United Kingdom. (2004)
- A. A. Zhukov, M. A. Ghanem, A. V. Goncharov, R Boardman, H. Fangohr, G. Karapetrov, P. N. Bartlett, P. A. J. de Groot.
Magnetic Nano-Scale Dot arrays from double Templated Electrodeposition: Genesis of a 3D Vortex'
CMMP 2004, NSP4.4, 54. Warwick, United Kingdom. (2004)
- R. P. Boardman, H. Fangohr, A. A. Zhukov, P. A. J. de Groot.
Micromagnetic Simulation of Vortex Nucleation Induced by Shape Anisotropy.
CMMP2004, NSP.P2.12, 58. Warwick, United Kingdom. (2004)
- Essex JW, Tai K, Murdock S, Ng MH, Wu B, Johnston S, Fangohr H, Jeffreys P, Cox S, Sansom M
BioSimGrid: A distributed database for biomolecular simulations.
Abstracts of papers of the American Chemical Society 227, U682-U682 030-CINF Part 1, 28 MAR 2004 (2004)
- S. Johnston, M.H Ng, S. Murdock, B. Wu, K. Tai, H. Fangohr, S. J. Cox, J. Essex, M. S. P. Sansom.
Managing large scientific data sets using Python
Talk at Europython Conference 2004, Goteborg, Sweden (2004)
- M. Dodgson, H. Fangohr, A. Koshelev, V. Geshkenbein, G. Blatter.
Theory of Vortex-Lattice Melting in Layered Superconductors
9th Joint International Workshop on Vortex Dynamics and Vortex Matter, Oleron, France. Invited talk. (2003)
- H. Fangohr, A.E. Koshelev,, M. J. W. Dodgson.
Vortex Matter in Layered Superconductors without Josephson Coupling: Computation of 3d-phase diagram using numerical simulations within a mean-field approach.
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Conference, Oral presentation, Belfast, United Kingdom (2003)
- R. Boardman, H. Fangohr.
Micromagnetic Modelling of Three-dimensional Samples.
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Conference, Belfast, United Kingdom (2003)
- A. A. Zhukov, A. V. Goncharov, H. Fangohr, P. A. J. de Groot, M. A. Ghanem,, P. N. Bartlett.
Coercivity of 3d nanoscale magnetic arrays from self-assembly template methods.
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Conference, Belfast, United Kingdom (2003)
- A.V.Goncharov, A.A.Zhukov, P.A.J.de Groot, R.Boardman, H.Fangohr, M.A.Ghanem,, P.N.Bartlett.
Magnetic dot and anti-dot arrays from self-assembly template method
Joint Magnetics Workshop, Glasgow, United Kingdom (2003)
- R. Boardman, A.V. Goncharov, H. Fangohr, P.A.J. de Groot.
Micromagnetic simulation and measurement of three-dimensional droplets
Joint Magnetics Workshop, Glasgow, United Kingdom (2003)
- M. Dodgson, H. Fangohr, A. Koshelev, V. Geshkenbein, G. Blatter.
Theory of Vortex-Lattice Melting in Layered Superconductors
Invited paper at 9th Workshop on vortex dynamics and matter, Oleron, France (2003)
- A. A. Zhukov, M. A. Ghanem, A. V. Goncharova, R. Boardman, H. Fangohr, P.N.Bartlett,, P.A.J.de Groot.
Magnetic nano-scale dot arrays from double templated electrodeposition
International Conference on Magnetism, Rome, Italy (2003)
- A.A. Zhukov, A.V. Goncharov, P.A.J. de Groot, M.A. Ghanem, P.N. Bartlett, R. Boardman,, H. Fangohr.
Coercivity of Nanoscale 3D Arrays from Self-Assembly Template Methods
International Conference on Magnetism, Rome, Italy (2003)
- B. Wu, K. Tai, S. Murdock, M. H. Ng, S. Johnston, H. Fangohr, P Jeffreys, S. Cox, J. Essex, M. S. P. Sansom.
BioSimGrid: a distributed database for biomolecular simulations
Proceedings e-Science All Hands Meeting 2003, EPSRC, page 412-419, ISBN 1-904425-11-9 UK (2003)

- H. Fangohr, M. J. W. Dodgson, P. A. J. de Groot, S. J. Cox.
Numerical simulation of the substrate model for pancake vortices in a layered superconductor.
Annual March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Indianapolis, United States (2002)
- H. Fangohr.
Computational methods and micromagnetics.
Workshop on magnetic multilayers and materials. Invited review talk. Leeds, UK (2002)
- H. Fangohr, M. J. W. Dodgson, A.E. Koshelev, P. A. J. de Groot, S. J. Cox.
Computer simulation studies of a layered pancake system using the substrate model.
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom (2002)
- Hans Fangohr, Matthew J. W. Dodgson, Peter A. J. de Groot, Simon J. Cox.
Computer simulation studies of a layered pancake system using the substrate model
VIII Workshop on Vortex Physics, Bariloche, Argentina. (2001)
- Hans Fangohr, Simon J. Cox, Peter A.J. de Groot.
Molecular dynamics simulation studies of driven vortex systems in the presence of a transverse force.
International workshop on microscopic structure and dynamics of vortices in unconventional superconductors and superfluids, Max-Planck Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, Germany (2000)
- Andrew R. Price, Hans Fangohr, Simon J. Cox, Peter A. J. de Groot.
Monte Carlo simulation of layered high temperature superconductors.
High Temperature Superconductivity Conference 2000, Poster presentation, Houston, United States (2000)
- Hans Fangohr, Andrew Price, Simon Cox, Peter de Groot.
Computer simulation studies of the 2d-Vortex State.
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Conference, Bristol, United Kingdom (2000)
- Hans Fangohr, Simon Cox, Andrew Price, Geoffrey J. Daniell, Alexa M. Robinson, Peter de Groot.
Long-range forces and data compression in Vortex State simulations.
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics [CMMP], Bristol, United Kingdom (2000)
- Hans Fangohr, Peter A. J. de Groot, Simon J. Cox.
Computer simulation studies of the 2d-Vortex State.
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Conference, Oral presentation, Bristol, United Kingdom (2000)
- Andrew R. Price, Hans Fangohr, Simon J. Cox, Peter A.J. de Groot.
Computational Modelling of High Temperature Superconductors.
Superconductivity Group Annual Conference [Institute of Physics], Birmingham, United Kingdom (1999)