The programming language Python
- The Python home page is http://www.python.org">http://www.python.org
- Python is an interpreted object oriented high
level language. It is easy to learn and codes are easy to maintain.
Python is growing fast and used in a variety of areas ranging from
science to industry, business and finance (New York Stock exchange,
Google, Yahoo, Disney Feature Length Animation, Industrial Light and
Magic, Philips, IBM, Airbus, ... (read more
- Python is free (and open) and platform independent.
- Here is a (somewhat dated) 45-minute introduction (pdf) to Python aiming at people
interested in text and data file processing and demonstrating the core
of the Python language.
- Alternatively, look at the official guide for python beginners
We use Python on a daily basis for
- controlling applications and job execution on computational resources
- analysing data
- visualising data
- performing numerical simulations (where we use established
binary libraries and our own binary code for speed where necessary)
- performing system administration tasks
- building documentation and webpages
- processing and analysing electronic submissions of student work
- A (admittedly subjective) comment on use of
Python for enterprise
Useful links on Scientific Python
Click here to download a number of these tools for Windows.