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Note that the 'Apple' key is called CMD on the most recent generation of hardware. Keyboard not workingSymptom: all function keys work as expected, and so does the cursor control. You may even be able to control the mouse with the keyboard. Is your keyboard broken? No, it is in a special 'universal access mode'. This page explains how to switch the mode on (just click 'off' to get rid of it). MacOS X 10.4 (Tiger)How to mount external harddrive from prompt?Find out what the device number is (for example using mount). The output may read: ... /dev/disk1s10 on /Volumes/Minmax250a (local, nodev, nosuid) ... Then use this command: /usr/sbin/diskutil mount /dev/disk1s10 and you are done. Where is X11? (Mac OS 10.4.8, Tiger)Install Disk 1/System/Installation/Packages/X11User.pkg Useful toolsHow to install a smb printer that is not browsable?from 1. Open Printer Setup Utility (located in /Applications/Utilities). 2. Mac OS X 10.4.x users: Choose Add Printer from the Printers menu, then hold the Option key while clicking the "More Printers" button. 3. Choose Advanced from the first pop-up menu. 4. Choose Windows Printer via SAMBA from the Device pop-up menu. 5. In the Device Name field, type the name you would like to use for this printer in Mac OS X. 6. In the Device URI field, use one of the following formats to link to the printer: smb://user:password@workgroup/server/sharename smb://user:password@server/sharename smb://workgroup/server/sharename smb://server/sharename Notes: "user" is the name of a Windows user who has privileges to use the printer. "password" is the password of that Windows user. "workgroup" is the name of the Windows workgroup to which the computer sharing the printer belongs. "server" is the name of the computer sharing the printer or its IP address. "sharename" is the shared Windows printer's share name. Tip: You don't need a "workgroup" when specifying the IP address of the computer (such as when the printer is on a different subnet), or if your Mac belongs to the same Windows (SMB) workgroup. 7. Choose the appropriate PPD or printer driver from the Printer Model pop-up menu. 8. Click Add. New slim keyboard (Autumn 2007) -- where is the expose button to reveal the desktop?This used to be F11. It is now CMD-F3. Similarly, what used to be F9 is now F3, what used to be F10 is not CTRL-F3. MacOS X 10.5 (Leopard)Full unix path in title bar of finder window. Set with defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES Unset (i.e. return to default) with defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool NO You need to relaunch the finder application to activate the change. (Tip taken from Change group membership from command lineJust to put people on the right track: This command checks whether 'myuser' is a member of the group 'mygroup'. It will reply with a full english sentence ("user is a member of the group" or "user is not a member of the group"). "): $root> dsmemberutil checkmembership -U myuser -G mygroup To add the user to the group, we can use (on Leopard, 10.5): $root> dscl . -append /Groups/mygroup GroupMembership myuser There is lots of examples out there (google), once one knows what to google for; plus the usual man pages, of course. How to delete all iCal data?Ical (on Mac OS X 10.5) stores data in:
Deleting all these files and subdirectories, seems to remove all the calendars from iCal. However, at some point, they seem to come back. (It seems that running 'calaboration' will trigger re-creating the old calendars, too). Where are they hiding?
Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)Using locatelocate (and the automatic updating of the data base can be switched on using): sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ This message is displayed if one tries to use locate and the database does not exist yet. |